
Thank you for considering contributing to apostello, please read these guidelines so we can best manage things.

There are many ways for you to contribute: writing tutorials, improving the documentation, submitting bug reports or feature requests and writing code.

Code Contributions

Guidelines for code contributions:

  • Unless it is a small or trivial fix, please open an issue before starting
  • Any new features must include tests - if a feature requires interaction through the browser, please add selenium tests
  • Please do not hit the network in tests - see how vcrpy is used in the test suite for help with this
  • Please run ./scripts/ before committing to maintain code style
  • Please add only a single feature per pull request

Development Environment


  • Python 3
  • Git
  • Redis
  • Optional: Node for frontend development
  • Optional: xvfb, Geckodriver and Firefox (>47) to run browser based tests

Get Started

Fork apostello on Github (how-to), then clone the repo:

git clone <url-to-your-fork-here>
cd apostello
# create a branch for your feature/fix:
git checkout -b <branch-name>

Create a python 3.6 virtualenv and install dependencies:

python3.6 -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements/test.txt

Create a development database (this uses sqlite, if you need to reset the database, just delete db.sqlite3 and run this command again):

./ migrate

Create a super user:

./ createsuperuser  # follow the prompts

Start the development server:

./ runserver

Open your browser and go to and login.

Running Tests

pip install tox
tox # you need xvfb, firefox and geckodriver installed
tox -- -m \"not slow\" # runs only quick tests


Most of the frontend is written in Elm.


cd assets/
yarn install # this may take a while the first time

Changes must then be compiled:

npm run format # format elm and js code to maintain style
npm run build # regenerate all the assets
npm run watchjs # watch js and elm code for changes
npm run prodjs # build the js and elm for production
npm run elm-test # run elm tests